Tuesday, May 16, 2017

CancerVersary III

May 17, 2017

Significant by date alone. While celebrate isn't the exact word - I am acknowledging my CancervVersary. This is the day three years ago I learned that I had cancer. I didn't know what type exactly. But.... that's when the words metastatic disease -- possibly lymphoma came into my life. 

I won't go into all the background but I can tell you the cosmic kick in the stomach that day was swift and hard. I was 35 days out from getting married!  I mean ... come on~ But it is - what it is.  After getting the news I called my then soon to be husband who lived in a different city than I. Then my parents and other family Sister, Brother, friends ,Boss, co-workers. 

I was in shock. 

In June we got married as we had planned. I finally got my full diagnoses: Follicular lymphoma, high grade - mixed follicular and diffuse pattern B- Cell - stage 4. A very aggressive form at this point.  Long story short - 6 rounds of Chemo - 2 years of maintenance and I am nearly 2 1/2 years in remission.

I always think of May 16, 2014 as the last good day. The last good day before I was told I had cancer. Before I had to bring extra worry and work to my (new) husband. I had just normal worries. 

In some ways it feels longer than 3 years. In other ways it feels like yesterday. Am I grateful I am alive? Yes.  I am a realist - I did not transform into one of those people who walk around going wow... golly it's great to be alive! I am the same as far as outlook on life, work and stuff.

I am hanging onto remission for as long as I can and looking forward to acknowledging my CancerVersary next year.

#NoOneFightsAlone #CancerSucks #Theycantkillus  #Lymphoma


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