Saturday, January 12, 2008


Originally uploaded by Finiky.

This is a true story about a - funny - not so funny - ability to follow directions and delivery attempt.

About a week and a half ago, I got a phone call from my wireless provider. Seems it was time to get a new cell phone. Me - great. Don't know about you, but I like my new phone every two years. Technology changes so much that I like upgrading. Keep in mind I send more txt messages and take photos than use it as a phone.

So I decided on a model. Touch screen, qwerty keyboard, camera, full web browsing and etc. Cool. (not an iPhone but a model with similar features)

Wireless agent, tells me I will need to be home to sign for the package. I say I'll waive that feature. She says they can't. I say ok send to my work address. Issue resolved.

**Isn't the whole point of delivery - to have said item delivered so you don't have to go running around to pick it up?

Thursday, Jan 10,2008, I call to check messages and there is a message from the delivery company. Please call us, as an attempt to deliver your package at XXXX Yxxxx Xx was not successful. We were told you no long live at that address. Pls refer to this tracking number, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Call this number, 800-555-1212.

I write down the info and think why and who would send something to that address? I haven't lived there in over a year and half. Hmmm.

I call delivery company. An attempt was made but it was a bad address. I explain that I told the wireless company to send to my place of work and why didn't they have the correct address?

Me to customer care agent. Can you have it delivered tomorrow at my work place like it was suppose to be? Customer Care Agent says, Oh, I'm sorry we can't make the change the sender (wireless company) has to do that. So I get the location of delivery company where my phone is said to be sitting waiting for me.

I contact wireless company to voice my frustration.

So I leave work at 6:00PM - Rush hour in the rain. Headed to location. I get there at about 6:50PM. There is one agent working the desk and line of people. I sigh and say well, ok. So I stand there about 10 - 12 minutes. Clock ticks away, line continues to grow. Finally my turn!! I can get my phone, stop at the store, go home charge the phone have some dinner, do some Flickring and watch TV.

Next- me - steps up. Here is my tracking number. Delivery company agent, we don't have that here. That is a ground package you have to go somewhere else to pick it up.

Me - Forehead scrunched and raised - Seriously?

Agent, yes.

I said are you sure?

He says well because there are xxx numbers vs xx numbers in your tracking number that denotes it's a ground package.

I say, I'm suppose to know this?

He says well I'm explaining it you. I say well why would your company tell me to come here to pick it up? Me starting to get really steamed.

Ok so where do I go to pickup the package? He prints two places. Both of which are now closed. :/

So I go home to do some steaming. I call the delivery company again explaining that this comedy of error(s) is no longer funny. She re-confirmed that the package is at the location that I just left.

I look at the clock and decide at this point I have two options. Refuse the order or go pick it up on principle.

I decided on the latter. I return to said place of pickup. Huff in the door. I await my turn. Next. I step up and present my tracking number with ID and say. The package is HERE, it's been confirmed you WILL check. He says - that's my job.

Me- rolls eyes

Overall I've always had good service from wireless company and delivery company. A goof on one end caused a major ripple effect.

No one died, no one was injured, I spent an extra two hours that I would have much rather used at home. The customer reps I spoke with, over the phone and in IM, at both places were very helpful, the guy at the pickup center - no so much. The person who filled my order for wireless company, did not follow through - as in send to my work place.

I am stubborn. It might have felt better to refuse the order - but I didn't.

However, an apology from the person behind the desk at the delivery company's pickup location would have been welcomed.

For the record the wireless company did apologize. No worries.

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