Monday, January 02, 2006

EB Eggs

EB Eggs
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

dinner... omelette made with the brown eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms.

1 comment:

  1. I am what I am. What a brilliant phrase, really, I'm not patronizing - Keep reading:

    God's answer to Moses, when he asks His name: Eheieh Asher Eheieh, that is, "I am what I am." I am (spirit, high) what I am (matter, below). In Gematria (the numerical value of the Hebrew letters composing the words), Eheieh (aleph-heh-yod-heh) has a value of 21. Repeated, then, we have a total of 42. The value of the letters M and B is also 42(mem-beth).

    And everyone knows that 42 is the answer to the "The Question of of life, the Universe and Everything?" as answered by the supercomputer Deep Thought from "the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams


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