Happy Furry Friday
Originally uploaded by Finiky.
"yesterdays over my shoulder - So I cant look back for too long -Theres just too much to see waiting in front of me - And I know that I just cant go wrong"
Jimmy Buffett
"changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes"
a balloon,coming out of a keen city
in the sky--filled with pretty people?
ee cummings
he best thing that happened to me all day
It was bound to happen.... I was perched on a rock near water, got a txt message took my beloved Voyager out to read the txt. laid it beside me on the rock. Saw a boat with a dog coming in, turned ever so slightly to get the shot.
went to pick up phone to read text, yes.. you guessed it. It has slipped to it's watery grave.
I fished it out. I thought ah ah I have insurance on it. Went to local Verizon store. Oh so in order for me to take advantage of the insurance I've been paying I have to have a phone shipped to me? Right..... Ok I need a phone now so -- yes -- I am stupid.. I will pay the full price because I NEED a phone.
What??? You are counting this as an upgrade before my contract is over and charging me as such?
If I didn't need the phone I would have let them ship me the phone, and it just doesn't make GOOD sense that Verizon Wireless lets me pay insurance on my phone yet I can't use it in a Verizon WIRELESS store.
I will call and complain and nothing will happen.
It just doesn't MAKE GOOD SENSE Verizon....
So I am home now with my NEW Phone I PAID full price for.
From last weekend at Blackwater NWF Open House. Carrie Murray Nature Center was there a Eurasian Eagle Owl - named Zool.
Meet Stewart, he was Zool's traveling companion last weekend.
I think Stewart is handsome.
Oct 4, Blackwater NWR there for the open house. Wild life drive was open for the day.
Nikographer [Jon] and I spent the day there in the am wild things. Mid morning and later afternoon we photographed educational birds like owls, vultures and a Peregrine Falcon.
.... Lots of action at the marina today. I saw three adult bald eagles. Two of them flying together. Pretty amazing. Ducks.. lots of ducks.. geese, cormorant's, Great Blue Herons, Egrets, etc..
Left to right: Pops, Chick2, Chick1 aka Jr, and Ma
from summer of osprey files