Thursday, May 31, 2007

Go Ahead Make My Day

Go Ahead Make My Day
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Baby Robin sitting at the bottom of my stairs. I've learned to look before stepping down as sometimes a lizard suns itself on my mat -- now I need to look out for confused, grumpy fledglings :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Power of Positive Thinking

Power of Positive Thinking
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Sure little bird you can make it to the next step.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

You Want That I Should Scare Someone With This Mouse ?

You Want That I Should Scare Someone With This Mouse ?
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Wee Mary McD being herself.

She's Leaving Home

She's Leaving Home
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Beatles | She's Leaving Home

Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begins
Silently closing her bedroom door........

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mother and Child Reunion

Mother and Child Reunion
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

I stayed in the house pretty much today due to the fact I woke up sick. Sore throat, running nose.. blah, blah blah.... I even stayed home instead of going out with Jon to shoot. So late in the afternoon I decided to sit on my deck and took the nikon with me. I'm glad I did. I witnessed a very special moment, between what I think is the Mother dove and the fledgling.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Old Pa Finch

Old Pa Finch
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

brought the kids by. Looks like he could use a work out

Monday, May 21, 2007

What's A Vegetable ?

What's A Vegetable ?
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

One of the cutest little birds I've ever seen.

I Don't Care How Mom Does It

I Don't Care How Mom Does It
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Dad brings Jr out for dinner. This without a doubt is one of the hardest working males I've ever seen. Hopping on each side of the baby. Making sure it keeps the food in and when Jr. spit it out, Dad got a different seed. Problem solved.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

With A Gleam In Her Eye

With A Gleam In Her Eye
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Wetlands Awareness Day at Huntley Meadows May 6, 2007

Osprey 2007

Osprey 2007
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

I am soooo glad to see her? back.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ernie Was Family - Rest Well My Friend

Ernie Was Family - Rest Well My Friend
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

I talked to another woman who lives in the Condo's at the pond. She too thinks it was Ernie who was killed last Friday. We think he was hit by a car, and we both said he never went to the other side of the street, why this time? - or maybe he died in another way. Either way, we are 99.99% sure our buddy is gone. I hope he knows many people loved him and we looked for him and I put out fliers, called to see if I could recover his body, and am writing to dept of transportation, state representative and anyone who will listen.

He was morethan just a duck or an animal I photographed often, Ernie was family. I have always known this day would come. It hurts more than I could have imagined. I have a special place in my heart for all animals, but from the first time I saw him I loved him. - 9 years of comfort, cracked corn, warm days, cold to freezing days, ducklings, and lazy afternoon naps.

My confession, last Tuesday, when I last saw him, he came over and I told him, sorry buddy I didn't bring any cracked corn, I'll bring some next time. Well, next time was Friday the 11th. When he didn't show for corn and I didn't see him snoozing in any of his hidey-holes, I didn't know he was gone, I could feel he was gone.

Ernie was smart. He lived with another male and female. They both guarded the female. Ernie in chasing off other ducks, would often dispatch his partner. Every evening he would take his family and they would go to certain spots, almost like a perimeter check.

One summer a couple of years ago, I was sitting near my usual spot, Ernie swings by, grunts a few times, and three ducklings about 6 weeks old came up and sat about a foot from me. Ernie the babysitter. :-)

I don't know what is to come of the remaining waterfowl. Ernie kept chaos from breaking out. He would even go after a goose if they were out of line. It was his world and I am forever grateful he let me in. Ernie reminds me that life is short, do what you want and be happy.

Love as much as you can and surround yourself with friends that you love. Thank you all for your support.

We Love Ernie Club

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ernie's Missing

Ernie's Missing
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

No sign of Ernie anywhere. I emailed the game warden to see if anyone reported an injured or dead duck and included a photo.

Next, I will post a few signs out there. I hope that he was rescued if injured. I fear the worst.

Think good thoughts for our Ernie. Last seen by me Wednesday, May 8th.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Wanna Rock

I Wanna Rock
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

this Commercialgave me an ear worm

"Rock" announces the Avis iTunes promotion, which allows renters to earn up to 10 free song downloads on the iTunes Store.

"The man walks up to the Avis rent a car counter, and an employee asks "Welcome to Avis. Can I help you, sir?" The customer opens his mouth, but instead of words, the sound of Twisted Sister music comes out. Another Avis employee takes over, and she also emits the song from her mouth, and they end up communicating just fine."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Goatees Are In

Goatees Are In
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

This is a falcon mix they think, not sure as this guy is still young. He was found in the National Mall begging food from Homeless folks who make that area their home, as needed.

Wetlands Awareness Day at Huntley Meadows 05/06/07 - The birds were an educational exhibit The Raptor Conservancy of Virginia

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Queen

The Queen
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Makes her way to the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC. I wouldn't normally post a photo of this quality, but all things considered that I was way far away, the lens was WAY out of range, .... I am surprised it turned out this well.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Give A Hoot

Give A Hoot
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Wetlands Awareness Day at Huntley Meadows 05/06/07 - The birds were an educational exhibit The Raptor Conservancy of Virginia

With Nikographer [Jon]

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday, May 04, 2007

That Itch That Won't Go Away

That Itch That Won't Go Away
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

It was an amazing day. Sunny - cool- little surprises along the way, like this green heron.

Cricket It's Whats For Dinner

Cricket It's Whats For Dinner
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees er uh Duckees

Hey, Hey, We're the Monkees er uh Duckees
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Ernie sent them packing.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Overcast Days The Best For Napping

Overcast Days The Best For Napping
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Day one of holiday: Overcast. Really overcast. :-)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Staring At The Full Moon Like A Lover

Staring At The Full Moon Like A Lover
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

"It's kind of a special feeling
When you're out on the sea alone
Staring at the full moon, like a lover

"Time for a cool change"

Little River Band

Ernie Says Happy May

Ernie Says Happy May
Originally uploaded by Finiky.