Saturday, December 29, 2007

Rev Your Engines

Rev Your Engines
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

words can only "sort of" describe the event. I've been a part of large fly offs by Geese, but this one was fantastic. Hundreds and hundreds of geese taking off at the same time.

It started with a sound of jet engines revving up, hundreds of Canada Geese in unison - began to fly.

Rev the Engines

and on my left

and on my left

then above me

then above me

Happy Feathery Friday & Saturday

Happy Feathery Friday & Saturday
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Friday, December 28, 2007

And then I dont feel so bad

And then I dont feel so bad
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

A few of my favorite things . ....

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Mary McDhui, myself and Chloe and Ernie in spirit wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 17, 2007

FX Moon

FX Moon
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Since getting this camera, I've not had a lot of opportunity to really take it out and see what I can do. I will say the little bit of time that have spent using it, leaves me speechless.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Tiny Baby Squirrel. Visting with it's Mother. It was looking for food in the Tulip shaped pot. Very cute.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

on my walk to my car

on my walk to my car
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

loved the sky against the lighted building

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Just Visiting

Just Visiting
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Sitting outside my back deck. He or She was waaaay out range of my lens. But I am thrilled with the results.

I listed as Coopers Hawk if I am not correct please let me know.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I went there so you don't have to

I went there so you don't have to
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

No offense to anyone, but I put this one in the "over the top" column

Foot Traffic

Foot Traffic
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

this morning after the snow yesterday. I really wish I could have stayed home to sit by the fire with Mary McD

Monday, December 03, 2007

hangin on

hangin on
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Friday is just days away :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Built In GPS

Built In GPS
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

female Red Winged Black birds in flight

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Windy has stormy eyes

Windy has stormy eyes
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

The Association - Windy

And Windy has stor-my eyes
That flash at the sound of lies
And Windy has wings to fly
Above the clouds (above the clouds)

Day is Done

Day is Done
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Little Peep

Little Peep
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

As found in my archives. Oh spring can't be that far away right? ;)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Say Yes

Say Yes
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

"I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. " ~e.e. cummings

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Rainbow Connection

My Rainbow Connection
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Was putting away "stuff" from dinner. Mary Mac was in the window when I noticed the lighting. I thought there must be a rainbow. Sure enough there was.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

'for what we are about to receive make us truly thankful'

'for what we are about to receive make us truly thankful'
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Happy Thanksgiving~

Isn't late for butterflies?

Isn't late for butterflies?
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

It was 76 degrees today. BEAUTIFUL!!!! I went to the pond and to my delight.... this butterfly.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Parade O Ducks

Parade O Ducks
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

I love, I love, My Calendar Duck~!

I love, I love, My Calendar Duck~!
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Taking a moment to brag. Several months ago I was asked by Ducks Unlimited if they could use my Bufflehead photo for their 2008 calendar. I said yes, of course.

Arriving this week -- my calendars. My Bufflehead is Mr. February. :-)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Little Blue Fishy

Little Blue Fishy
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

the little blue fish.. orginal eh? :-D

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Little Orange Fishy

Little Orange Fishy
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

what I did on my lunch hour. National Aquarium - DC

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feeling Homesick So I Paid a Visit to Some Friends

Feeling Homesick So I Paid a Visit to Some Friends
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Thank you all for your kind words and support during my time away from Flickr and with the passing of Chloe. I was not suppose to be out with the monster lens just yet, (still not cleared since the arthroscopy) but. .... This after reassuring my hand surgeon that I was being so good. :-) Not sure I am ready for an outing with my full compliment of stuff. But I was homesick. I needed to vist some friends, so I did.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Chloe 1993-2007

Chloe 1993-2007
Originally uploaded by Finiky.

Chloe 1993-2007

I had to make that decision that those of us with pet companions hate to make. Chloe has had kidney diease for a while and had been doing pretty well. Over the last month or so she was going down hill. Over the last few days she was failing fast. Yesterday, Novemeber 3,2007, I helped her cross over to the rainbow bridge.

I've had Chloe since she was 5 weeks old. She was born to a feral in Texas. I captured Momma and kittens. Got Momma spayed and found her a home and tamed the kittens and got them adopted out. I kept Chloe and a sibling, Chibi, who had to be put to sleep at a younger age for health reasons.

At the time had Nermal as well. So at night when we went to bed Nermal would take her place on the bed, as would Chibi. Chloe waited. I would call for her. But she wouldn't join us. When she and Chibi were wee tiny kittens, I kept them in a pet kennel at night. They always knew when I was going to put them in as they would start running ;) I would grab Chibi and Chloe was the escape artist. I would say I got a Chibi. I need a Chloe. So, as it turns out, at night when we went to bed, she wouldn't come if I called Chloe, but if I called.... I need a Chloe, she would come running. To the very last days of her life that stayed with us. :-)

I brushed her and wiped her down, even in distress she purred for me. I told her she was a pretty girl. I got to the veterinarian's - went to the room, got her out of the pet carrier. I told her I loved her, that she was a good girl and I was sorry. I asked her to forgive me for my shortcomings. I told her Nermal and Chibi would welcome her to the rainbow bridge and please give them a hug for me. Gentle kisses and tears to the last seconds.

I need a Chloe.

Chloe and Nermal
Chloe and Nermal


Coy Chloe
Coy Chloe

Chloe and Mary McDhui
Chloe and Mary McDhui

Catnip Addict
This My Cat, This Is My Cat On Catnip


Chloe Suddenly Felt Depressed
Chloe Suddenly Felt Depressed

Sweet Dreams Chloe Girl
Visions Of Sugar Plums....