Leaf Sweeper
Originally uploaded by Finiky.
They were out of my lens range, but still I think I can get by with showing you this one
Dedicated to my sisters friend: U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons of Mansfield, Oh and to all around the world who gave/give all.
Ernie Jr's cousins. Three of the 5 ducklings in this gruop.
wish the ligthing was better, but geez she flew right by me within range of my lens...
Mary McD wishes everyone a happy Furry friday... and a wonderful weekend.
ps. Look at those... clear healthy eyes!!
1 week and three days old. The only survivor from the first batch from May 3rd.
Nermal. Today my good friend became an angel. I ended her suffering. I miss her so. Read about her here http://finiky.blogspot.com/2004_11_28_finiky_archive.html
Reo Speedwagon | Time For Me To Fly
Peeling the years away
And we can’t relive it
Tone mapping with Photomatix.
this photo of Ernie made me laugh. Have a great Friday everyone.
Michelle Branch - Breathe
If I just breathe
Let it fill the space in between
I'll know everything is alright
I was walking along at the pond and looked over at a picnic table... I saw this carrier... and Yup... Someone brought their cat out to the pond to see the ducks... I seen lots of dogs... but never a cat, until now.
When I was going thru my photos, I came across this. Ms Osprey was staring right down my lens... gave me an strange feeling. I sum it up to say this must be how a fish feels. :)