Peace For The New Year
Originally uploaded by Finiky.
Waiting for the New Year! I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the new year. Thank you all so much for your flickr-ship (friendship).
I was getting ready to assume my position on my little stool and poke my lens out my back door. I looked out and saw this beautiful cat sitting on the fence.
However, I wasn't ready to click away - I had left the camera on 500 ISO from the day before, departing from my set it to basic settings so if you need to point and shoot you get the shot.
So, after some back and forth with myself and some tinkering, I am posting.
thank you for the buffet.
I put out some seeds and such for the birds and squirrels. Everyone seemed to be glad. Bluejay, Cardinal's, chicadee's, sparrows, Carolina Wren, and the tufted titmouse.
"Said Ernie the duck to the mighty Goose"
Hoping everyone has a wonderful holiday. Best wishes for the New Year.
Kim, Chloe and Mary McD - Oh and Ernie of course
I am getting a new tree skirt, but Mary McD and Chloe like to lay on the old one under tree. Chloe is more lady like, while Mary McD moves it around and gets it just right. ;)
This one I call Crazy Shirley.. I am not sure why, but I do. She and her boyfriend were very cheeky today.
The leaves are at peek this weekend. Sunny today and cool, with the high in the upper 40's. I will of course break out the heavy coat!! Yes I am a wimp :-)
Just doing some thinking about the paths in life we take...